Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sunday, May 5th, Bundang (boon-dong), Korea

After a good nights sleep, we're up and at 'em in Jude and Yoonwha's place.  We ate a nice breakfast and were heading to a park.

Nice start to the morning. A little over easy eggs on toast.

Stefany isn't quite used to small dogs. She is more used to the German Shepherd sized dogs. :)

Our lovely host Yoonhwa is taking us for a morning stroll thru Bundang Central Park.

Beautiful day for our first full day in Korea

Nice views.  A lot of people in the part that day. 

In several parks, there are "workout" machine to move your body.  All the  machines are designed to use only your body weight.

On our way to the meeting.  4:00pm, Sunday

Windows along 1 wall and the entire back wall!  Beautiful sight!

After living in Guam (many Philipinos) and coming to Korea, I am ALWAYS the tallest and biggest. I think my next trip will be to Russia or Germany!!!!
After the meeting, we went to E-mart (big grocery store).

The Bakery Department.

Produce Department.

Meat and Seafood.

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