Saturday, May 4, 2013

Great 1st day in Korea

We've completed Day 1 of our Korean adventure, although only 9 hours. Our flights yesterday were right on time and very smooth. The landing in Narita, Japan (our 2 1/2 hour layover) had to have been the softest, quietest, smoothest landing we have EVER had! Even the flight attendant mentioned over the intercom that it was a beautiful landing. :)

Our flight from Narita to Incheon (very close to the N. Korean border) was wonderful. It was a super jumbo  Asiana airlines plane.

We landed 30 minutes early so we got a great head start on meeting up with my brother Jude and his wife Yoonhwa. We hit the ground running by 3:30pm.

The drive from Incheon to Seoul was interesting. There are many pockets/small cities of tall apartment buildings along the way and under these apartment buildings are just about everything you would need to live (grocery stores, malls, basic corner stores, cleaners, etc...).

We met up with some friends of Jude & Yoonhwa's (2 sisters: Easter, from Phillipines and Jasmine, from MI and Miami) to enjoy a special ancient Korean presentation. But first we had to eat. We are obviously in the right country since we are foodies. Jude found this cool hole in the wall, sliver of a restaurant sandwiched in between other cafes and had Korean/Japanese fusion food. YUMMYYYYYYY!!!!!!



Jude's dish

It was a Saturday night so many couples were out dressed very nicely for the theater and other activities. This is just a random couple that was dressed nicely and they let me take their picture. I should have take a full length pic of her outfit (very beautiful).

Russel had Bulgogi Dupbop with more kimchi on the side with additional sides of Danmuji (yellow raddish) and Jjanjo and Stefany had Pork Cutlet (Donkatz) .
Bulgogi Dupbop (seasoned beef, kimchi and rice)

More Kimchi

Stefany's pork cutlet

Stefany is tall but this entrance even makes me look tall. :)

Our first activity was a traditional Korean singing, musical instrument and folk story presentation accompanied with a large orchestra. The clothing was magnificent and vibrant. The passionate & dramatic story telling through song was amazing and it was a great introduction to ancient Korean culture. The ancient instruments included the Gayageum and Haegeum. It was an incredible start to our Korean adventure. No pictures were allowed during the performance so nothing to post of the live performance.

The three individuals in this picture have been selected as "national treasures" because of the knowledge about ancient korean culture and their ability to play & sing according to the ancient customs. These were the performers last night and an orchestra accompanied them.


Jasmine, Yoonhwa, Esther & Stefany

We finished the evening with a little sightseeing and off to bed. We'll see what day 2 brings!

These "IV" like bags caught our attention. Its medicine and nutrients for the tree!!!

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