Friday, May 31, 2013

Sunday, May 19, 2013 Meeting and dinner with the single friends.

We started our day at the Kingdom Hall, 4:00pm meeting.

Afterwards, some of the single friends wanted to take us out to dinner.

In this picture: kimche (of course) and a propane burner.

2 of the sisters and dumplings.

Spicy dumplings, noodles and vegetables.  Its called Mandu Jungol. Very good!

Our group.

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Steve.  Once the dumplings and noodles are done, rice is then added and eaten.

All these sisters are English teachers and pioneering.

From dinner, we walked over to get dessert.

Awesome, "asome".  Awesome it was!  You'll see. Scroll down.

Dessert #1. Flakes, beans and ice cream over shaved ice.

Honeybread (sweet), strawberry topping and a scoop of ice cream.  Dessert #2

Steve and Russel ready to dig-in!

Thumbs up all the way!  Yummy.

Korean dessert called Bingsu...this was expresso flavored

Expresso Bingsu

Thank you to everyone!!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Saturday, May 18th; Bike ride through the mountains

On Saturday, May 18th, our Field Service Overseer, Henry, and his wife Sophie, planned a bike ride.  Here we go.

We met at Henry and Sophie's house for a light lunch.

Then we all got our bikes.  For some, it had been years since they rode a bike.

Henry and his bible student.

L-R: Robyn (13 years old), Sophie and Henry

Hyung-ae, a sister in the hall.

Robyn's mom (in pink hat).  Robyn's dad (in the black shirt in the back)

A beautiful river along our riding path.

Russel and Tom (Hyung-ae's husband).  Tom's Canadian.

A pretty stop in a field of flowers.

Another souvenir from Seoul. : )
We stopped almost at the end of our ride for beer, rice wine and a bite to eat.

Hyeung-ik and his dog, Rory.  Rory RAN along side Hyeung-ik, as he rode.

Flatbread pizza-pancake.  With veggies and squid.

Henry and Sophie, our hosts.

Back on our bikes for the ride back.

We returned our bikes after 3 hours of riding.