Tuesday, November 19, 2013

NY-NJ Misc Activities

Various pictures of our trip to NY/NJ

Morristown, NJ Cong.

After the meeting, we came back to Mark and Gail's for dessert.

We thoroughly enjoyed the turning of the colors.

Thanks to this minivan we got around NY and NJ all in 1 vehicle!!

Leaving mom and dad.  They headed back to Atlanta.  We stayed in NJ another 4 more days, including the Annual Meeting day.

We love this city, NYC.
In Brooklyn, overlooking Lower Manhattan

Lunch time

Don't know the man in orange.  But, we're about to meet the sister in the white blouse!

Ah yes, a new, familiar sight in NYC.  So happy to see our brothers!

I got a shot right between all those people.

Waiting to meet our friends, the Waterhouses, at the MET Museum.  Because it was Annual Meeting weekend, the MET was very busy with Witnesses from around the world waiting to tour.

Several witness groups meeting their tour guides.  You could tell who were/weren't witnesses by their dress.

Hey, we know him!!  Joel Waterhouse, our friend that introduced us and then married us!

Friends, friends, friends....

We went to lunch

Don't know the woman, just loved what she was eating!

Joel and Bridgette

Paula and Miguel


Thank you Chris for the recommendation! Chris is a friend of Stef's since she was about 15.  

Saying bye to our friends.
1 reason we love NY!!
Gail hosted a girls brunch, including Mark and Russel.
Good friends: Thelma and Jackie

Gail and Wendy

Mark and our brunch

Then we went to visit Jackie's mother in her assisted living facility.

Russel shared the new Bible with our sister who was not able to attend the Annual Meeting.

And showing her how everything is on a smartphone now, too.
Russel shared with our sister pictures of our trip to Korea, showing her her brothers and sisters in Korea.

Ahhh, yes.  That's Kate and her family!

And a beautiful family with 3 girls from the Korean Cong.
I think she liked Russel. : )
One last meal with Mark and Gail Hari as they drove us to the airport.  A wonderful Jewish Deli in NJ.  It was wonderful!!
Couldn't be any happier.

THANK YOU MARK AND GAIL HARI! You are so dear to us.  Thank you for your over-abundant hospitality!!

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