Monday, January 7, 2013

New Bible Students First Meeting & Bethel Tour

Stefany has been blessed with many bible studies and more importantly she's had the privilege of teaching young and old about Jehovah's purpose for a paradise earth that is made possible because of the ransom sacrifice of Jesus. To see peoples face light up when they learn from the bible that Jehovah has a purpose for them and for them to see several scriptures in their own bible of how all of the problems we are experiencing today will be a thing of the past is just priceless.

Stefany has been studying the bible with Cathysha for a couple of weeks and this picture was captured when she came to our meeting for the first time. She is only 13 and she's creeping towards being the same height as Stefany (5-10) who is wearing heels in this picture.

Cathysha is from the island of Pohnpei which is part of Micronesia. She speaks Pohnpein, Palauan and English. In addition to their bible study, Stefany is helping Cathysha to memorize the books of the bible in order. She just finished reciting the first 10 books and she decided to impress us by adding on a few more books at the end. :)

On 1-6-13 she surprised us when we went to pick her up. She was sitting there with her friend who was also nicely dressed. She invited her neighbor friend (Julyann) to join us and she thoroughly enjoyed the meeting and everything she learned.

Stefany and I have been working as Part-Time Commuter Bethelites for the past month at the Guam Bethel facility. Because of doing this volunteer work we have had the privilege of having lunch with the full-time volunteers at the Guam branch. So this past week we were thrilled that Cathysha was able to join us for lunch and she was given a tour a the Guam branch. This tour gave her a good overview of the worldwide work/preaching/teaching of Jehovah Witnesses in over 400 languages.
Robynn from Palau drove Cathysha to the Branch, Cathysha and Stefany

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