Monday, January 7, 2013

His first tie and brief case (or meeting bag)

A couple of weeks ago I have the privilege of giving a young person (Manny) his first tie. Him and his entire family have been studying the bible and they are at every meeting. One day he told me that the reason why he doesn't wear a tie is because he's never had one. So its easy to figure out what was going on in my brain after he told me this. So the following week I showed up with a few ties. He had a hard time comprehending that these ties were for him to keep! He thought I was just showing him some ties in a bag and wanted him to try them on. After clearing up the confusion and calming down from his excitement, I began the interesting process of trying to teach him how to tie a tie. Its harder than I thought it would be. I just automatically tie the knot. After a couple of comical attempts we finally were able to complete the project. :)

Russel confusing Manny on how to make a knot

Manny is learning despite the confusion

He's getting adjust for proper length

We are almost there
He said that he doesn't tuck in his shirt because his clothes are too small. He has the biggest smile at each meeting and he sits in the front row at every meeting.
Almost there

His first attempt at making a knot! Not bad. He did it again and got it to the proper length.
Soon I will have pics of Manny with his new meeting bag or brief case. He now puts his bible, bible study aids and meeting materials in his new bag. It was another occasion where it took a minute to help him appreciate that the bag was a gift for him and I was not just getting his opinion of the bag. :)

Here is a beautiful picture of Stefany with Manny's sisters.

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