Monday, November 12, 2012

Hospitality (Its in their genes)

The friends in Guam have welcomed us with wide-open arms.  We have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know many...and sharing a wonderful meal!!! : )

Russel, Kinohi (visiting from HI) and Stefany

Dinner at Ray and Maribel Cajudoy's home. YUM!!!

Fred and Christina Martin at a Vietnamese restaurant

Khay making us a homemade soup.

Grilled pineapple at Churrasco's a Brazilian Steakhouse!

The Wilsons and Ngowakls (Frida and Kurencio) at Churrasco's 

At a dinner buffet with friends from the hall


All the friends after our all-you-can-eat buffet!

Dinner at Jamaican Grill.  It was really good!

Out to dinner with the Caburians (Bea and Dan)

Fresh fish off of the grill with island seasonings
Dan grilling clams

grill station for the clams

Alvin (host) grilling pure yumminess

Finished product.

Alvin squeezing lemon juice on the clam...

Tod imitating Alvin

Next couple of pictures are Russel's first attempt at eating clams. The guys are giving him pointers, sauces and everything else you can think of. :)
Clam in the chopsticks and sauces

Who's enjoying this more....Russel or the onlookers? :)

Russel survived the consumption of his first clam

Nothing like local food (Filipino, Chamorro and a little soul food)

Russel holding Eva

Bible Charades

Stefany, Kim and TJ practicing their moves

Wonderful conclusion to a great evening with friends

Dinner at the Denmans':


Peter making our drinks.

Tonya and Peter in their kitchen

Dinner is almost ready

Peter Denman did 7 baseball games/stadiums in 7 days.  He's sharing with us his pictures.
St. Louis, Chicago (Cubs, Sox), Detroit, Cleveland, Boston, Yankees.  He took the train between all cities, in the sleep car.

The Silvas "house sitting"!!!  They are in Guam on business from Hollywood, CA. The background is the front yard!!!

While with the Silvas', they were having some single friends over for homemade pizza!

Homemade pizza sauce

Joel cutting and serving

The Chef with his finished product.

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