Sunday, August 18, 2013

Lunch for the fulltime volunteer ministers at Pioneer Service School

Thursday, Aug. 8, North Guam Cong., along with Central Guam Cong. collaborated to feed approximately 60 people (including Pioneers, instructors and volunteers).  There are 2 classes (Micronesia Circuit 1 & 2), both on the same schedule.

8:30am breakfast.  School started at promptly 9:00am.

Freida and Segismundo.
Stefany (volunteer) and Patricia (Pioneer from Rota).  We were privileged to host Patricia in our home for the 2 week school.  What a treat!!

Freida: North Guam Cong.'s shining star student!!

Brenda (student).  From NJ about 20 years ago.
Sorry this is so dark.  Several of the sisters from outer islands.

One of the Classes (Chuuk, Kosrae, Ponpei, Majuro, Palau and Yap were represented)

AM Break

Sally (one left) sharing pictures from where she's from with other pioneers.

Curtis and Sheila Coes, from Riverdale, GA, then Circuit work in Roanoke, VA and currently serving in Palau...until Oct. when they move back to GA.  Also pictured, Tod (volunteer for food).

Students enjoying a nice conversation

Getting to know each other outside of class.

 Break time goes by so fast!

L - R:  Odani (instructor), Segismundo's (volunteers)

Patrica taking it all in.
Justin.  Finally making it to Pioneer School, after serving as a Pioneer in the past, and before his 1st year was up, he was called into Bethel.  Now, back in the field and made it to his 1st Pioneer School.  He has also served in Acapulco, Mexico.
Justin and Tod.
Freida and Debbie (volunteer for food)

Classroom 1
Classroom 2

North Guam Cong. volunteers, yeah!!!

Will we have enough food???  This is just food.  The dessert table is around the corner.
The students come out of their classes.
And, the circle around the table...
We're all here.

Let's eat!

Michelle.  She looks like a princess.

..just noticed the camera was on her. SMILE!
We still have food, and they keep coming through, on both sides!
The Ealeys getting lunch.  From Douglasville, Georgia, now serving in Saipan.

Small world.  Mike Hill and Russel.  Mike is from Rex, GA.  Friend with some of our friends from Atlanta.  He, and his wife, are serving in Majuro.

Lunch was so successful.  We had enough food for all students, instructors and volunteers!  Pioneers were able to glean for dinner.  Jehovah's hand is never short!!

We are so happy to be apart of this happy day!!

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