Monday, July 29, 2013

May 31st....Prison tour & visit with his mother

Thanks to the generosity of a sister in one of the Seoul Korean congregations, we had the wonderful privilege of visiting one of Jehovah's Witnesses in prison. The ones in prison are younger in age. Because of making the choice to not serve in the military, they are sentenced to around 2yrs in prison. In order for us to visit this brother in prison, his mother was willing to sacrifice one of her 6 opportunities to visit with her son.

We showed up that morning and it was kind of surreal to see many other Jehovah's Witness family members, mothers, aunties and grandparents in the lobby writing letters to their sons, nephews and grandchildren. If they write the letter from the lobby they are able to get the letter to their loved one much quicker. This is also the best way to send them money.

The amazing thing that occurred was that the authorities allowed the mother to join us on the visit along with the two of us AND my sister-in-law who arranged this prison visit!! The mother didn't have to give up one of her visits for the month. All of us were so excited to be able to visit with her son at the same time.

Our pictures are limited because we couldn't take many pictures of the outside of the prison and cameras were forbidden on the inside of the prison. The brother we visited mentioned there are 40 young Jehovah's Witnesses serving their sentence in that prison. It was obvious to see that they are very strong spiritually and their spiritual routine keeps them focused on remaining faithful to Jehovah. As usual, i'm confident we were more encouraged by his words than he was from what we said. One of his comments really stuck with us. Regarding prayer, he said that all of his fellow Witnesses in that prison...."know that Jehovah answers their prayers before they even say amen". That is the kind of faith they have in Jehovah helping them while in prison. The Witness prisoners have many privileges within prison because of being trusted to handle certain tasks and not cause harm to anyone else. One example is that the Witness prisoners have been given assignments in the kitchen with the utensils that could otherwise be used as weapons.

Although the visit was brief it was the greatest moment of our entire trip!

Stefany with the beautiful sister who made it possible for us to visit with her son in prison
Wonderful gift from this sister.....very tasty chocolate

my sister-in-law and our host for the prison visit

Outside the front gate of the prison

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