Monday, March 25, 2013

Good times with our "kids"

It has been a blessing to teach our kids the good news. They come to all of the meetings and they love to comment. On the way home from the meeting we usually quiz them on what they learned from the meeting. Usually we are surprised when they relate certain details that were discussed during the meeting. I wish I was this well behaved when I was a child. :)  It has been interesting for me and Stefany to try to figure out a seating system. To assist with them finding scriptures and just making sure they stay focused we usually try to sit between the kids. But when you have 4 kids it takes some coordinating. Recently we've started to recruit other sisters in the congregation to sit with us. :)

Stefany is chatting with our kids. Janiya, Hayli and Raylene. The kids have been coming to every meeting since a couple of months ago. They also comment at each meeting.
Having snacks after the meeting

Cathysha, Janiya, Stefany, Hayli, Robynn and Raylene. Robynn sat with us to help us with our kids. Raylene, Janiya and Cathysha can speak Ponapein, Mokalese and English.
Raylene & Janiya

Song book in hand playing Careoke :)

Stefany created a new game called Careoke. The kids love it! After we pick them up, we start to sing kingdom songs from the song book. One day we forgot to do this on the way to the meeting and the girls asked if we could play Careoke. Its a beautiful sound to hear everyone in the car singing the songs. I'll try to upload an audio clip soon.
Stefany helping the kids with their comments for the WT study

To simplify our Sunday we've decided to pickup our kids earlier in the day instead of trying to dry across the island to get them just before the meeting. So now we get the kids a few hours earlier on Sunday. This gives us more time to spend with them as well. We also use this time to help them with their comments for the meeting.
Raylene & Hayli

More sounds so good! 

Stefany is conducting a cooking class...she invited some friends in the congregation & Cathysha one of our kids

 Mish (with the apron), Mhay and Cathysha enjoying Stefany's cooking class


First Assembly for our kids.
Cathysha and Raylene

We were excited to take our kids to their first Assembly. They paid attention during the entire program and they were very diligent in trying to look up all of the scriptures that were referenced.

Janiya, Cathysha & Hayli

When Cathysha heard the announcement about cleaning the UOG facility to prepare it for the Assembly she asked if she could help. That is her cleaning the table.
Russel preparing food for the kids

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