Thursday, August 30, 2012

Last Day at IHG (Work)

It was a little weird and exciting at the same time to drive to my workplace for the last time on August 17th! After 17 years I built many good relationships and memories. The last day at work was a lot of fun and we enjoyed reminiscing and saying goodbye to everyone.

This is a group pictures with some of my co-workers in the department.

A pic of a former manager and co-worker from many years ago.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Beautiful landscape of Guam

The temps were fairly warm when we were there but the beautiful landscape would take your mind off of the heat.

These next series of pictures are from an incredible hike that we took to swim at "Sharks Hole". This is an area where the sharks swim night. Of course we were swimming there during the day as you can tell by the pictures. :)

Let just say that we didn't linger too long in this water because we had sharks on our mind, but it was one of the prettiest undisturbed untouched areas of the island that we've seen.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Fun with the Niece and Nephew in Georgia

I had a great day with my niece (Jazz) and nephew (Reuben) in the ministry and fun at the pool.


Good times at the swimming pool. At first I couldn't pay them to ride on this really tall slide. But after convincing them to do it the first time, I couldn't pull them away from the slide. :)