Monday, July 30, 2012

Stefany's 1st day of Pioneer Service School 2012

What a beautiful morning and start to an exciting 2 weeks for Stefany! Here are a couple of pics of her 1st day in Pioneer Service School. This school was designed to help her to become a more effective teacher of the bible. Training that will certainly benefit us in Guam.

Bright eyed and bushy tailed

 One of Stefany's instructors (John Hall) for her 2 week class.

Bobbe Cole one of Stefany's best friends, spiritual sister, confidant, mentor, etc..

Friends and Family Rate for IHG Hotels

If you would like to get a "Friends and Family" rate at IHG hotels, please feel free to use my website below.

My co-workers link works as well

Couple of pics from Exploratory Trip in April/May

A beautiful day in the Ministry. All of the meeting locations for service were in various homes on the north side of the island.

Just a typical sunset in gorgeous Tumon on the mid-west coast of Guam

Very secluded beaches on our 30 minute hike to Sharks Cove (yes..that is correct...its an area where the sharks swim at night)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Let the selling and packing begin!

Well we've already started shipping some items to Guam. So far we have shipped 4 boxes. Its been an interesting process. We seem to have a good system now and we've come up with some fairly economical options. :)

Also we've been able to sell many items on Craigslist so that have been very helpful as well.
After selling our kitchen table and chairs to the Walker family, they were very kind to setup a cardboard version for us. :)